Kadirur Shines Bright: A Day of Excellence and Unity

Bank Auditorium Hosts Prestigious V.V.K.-I.V. Das Award Presentation and Foundation Stone Ceremony

Experience the excitement of Kadirur Bank’s recent celebration, where people came together to celebrate excellence and community spirit. The event happened at the famous Bank Auditorium for the V.V.K.-I.V. Das Award Presentation and the beginning of work on a new auditorium. Important guests, like Mr. M.V. Govindan Master (MLA) and Shri V. Madhusudan Nair, were there to honor exceptional individuals and mark a fresh start for Kadirur Bank Auditorium. The lively atmosphere, with energetic performances and a strong sense of community togetherness, made this evening a memorable part of Kadirur Bank’s history. Check out the pictures in our event gallery to relive the celebration that showed Kadirur Bank’s dedication to being excellent and having a promising future.

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