sahakarana ratnam award

Kathirur Service Cooperative Bank Receives Cooperative Ratnam Award

We’re excited to share that Kathirur Service Cooperative Bank has been honored with the prestigious Cooperative Ratnam Award for its exceptional development efforts and commitment to social responsibility. The award ceremony took place at the Trissur Kila Auditorium, where notable individuals gathered to celebrate this achievement.

Former Chief General Manager of NABARD, Shri. Ravindran, presented the award to Bank President Shri. Sreejith Choyan and Secretary Mr. P. Sureshbabu. Additionally, Katyat Prakashan, A. V. Bina, Mrs. Misria, and Baiju. K were recognized for their significant contributions to the bank’s success.

The event was attended by respected personalities such as Mr. M Ramanunny, Mr. B. P. Pillai, and Mr. M. K Dineshbabu, further highlighting the importance of this accolade.

This recognition reflects our ongoing commitment to promoting sustainable development and serving our community with dedication. We extend our gratitude to everyone involved in this remarkable journey.

Stay updated on our website for more news and updates as we continue to excel in cooperative banking.

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